Creative Director, Strategist, Copywriter...
Most of you know me (if you know me at all) as a Creative and Strategic Marketing Consultant. While having focused in Hispanic Marketing, I have my share of experience with GM, AA and MC Agencies.
“Lalo Wakefield is a true renaissance ad man. Creative Director. Strategist. Innovator. Explorer. He never stops asking the questions. Never stops looking for the answers. Just when you think it’s safe to put an idea to rest, Lalo will come along to turn it on its head. It’s not only a pleasure to work with Lalo, it’s education and enlightenment.”
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As a freelance Hispanic Creative Director & Strategist I can help you build your Hispanic Marketing programs from the ground up. As a CopywriterI can leverage the General Market creative and strategy to produce content that helps you achieve your business objectives.
Experience with these Brands and Categories
General Market Agencies
Let me help you expand your services to include Hispanic Marketing! I've spent years working in Hispanic Advertising agencies and over 50% of all the campaigns I worked on were adaptations of General Market initiatives. Keep it all in-house!
Digital Agencies
I can help you build the Hispanic Marketing component right into your digital products. Be it a website an app, a social media or search strategy campaigns, I can help you build it, spread it and optimize it.
Hispanic Marketing Agencies
I can help you with ideas for pitches or work overflow. I'm good at leading multi-channel brainstorming sessions, copywriting and trans-creations, I can also help you organize, sell and manage digital projects in-house or with outside vendors.
Collaboration and references from these GM agencies
Collaboration and References from these Digital Agencies
Collaboration and References from these Multi-cultural agencies